Flyway - utility for working with database migrations (official site: https://flywaydb.org, preview version only for Postgres)
npm i --save-dev node-flywaydb@3.0.7
npm i --save @nestjs-mod/flyway
Link | Category | Description |
Flyway | infrastructure | Flyway - utility for working with database migrations (official site: https://flywaydb.org, preview version only for Postgres) |
Modules descriptions
Flyway - utility for working with database migrations (official site: https://flywaydb.org, preview version only for Postgres)
Use in NestJS-mod
An example you can see the full example here https://github.com/nestjs-mod/nestjs-mod-contrib/tree/master/apps/example-prisma-flyway.
import { PACKAGE_JSON_FILE, ProjectUtils, bootstrapNestApplication } from '@nestjs-mod/common';
import { DOCKER_COMPOSE_FILE, DockerCompose, DockerComposePostgreSQL } from '@nestjs-mod/docker-compose';
import { FLYWAY_JS_CONFIG_FILE, Flyway } from '@nestjs-mod/flyway';
import { join } from 'path';
export const flywayPrismaFeatureName = 'flyway-prisma';
const rootFolder = join(__dirname, '..', '..', '..');
const appFolder = join(rootFolder, 'apps', 'example-prisma-flyway');
modules: {
system: [
staticConfiguration: {
applicationPackageJsonFile: join(appFolder, PACKAGE_JSON_FILE),
packageJsonFile: join(rootFolder, PACKAGE_JSON_FILE),
envFile: join(rootFolder, '.env'),
infrastructure: [
configuration: {
dockerComposeFileVersion: '3',
dockerComposeFile: join(appFolder, DOCKER_COMPOSE_FILE),
featureModuleName: flywayPrismaFeatureName,
staticConfiguration: {
featureName: flywayPrismaFeatureName,
migrationsFolder: join(appFolder, 'src', 'migrations'),
configFile: join(rootFolder, FLYWAY_JS_CONFIG_FILE),
After connecting the module to the application and npm run build
and starting generation of documentation through npm run docs:infrastructure
, you will have new files and scripts to run.
New scripts mostly package.json
"scripts": {
"_____flyway_____": "_____flyway_____",
"flyway:create:example-prisma-flyway": "./node_modules/.bin/nx run example-prisma-flyway:flyway-create-migration",
"flyway:migrate:example-prisma-flyway": "./node_modules/.bin/nx run example-prisma-flyway:flyway-migrate"
"scriptsComments": {
"flyway:create:example-prisma-flyway": ["Command to create new empty migration for example-prisma-flyway, for set name pass name to --args, example: npm run flyway:create:appname --args=Init"],
"flyway:migrate:example-prisma-flyway": ["Applying migrations for example-prisma-flyway"]
Additional commands in the nx application project.json
"targets": {
"flyway-create-migration": {
"executor": "nx:run-commands",
"options": {
"commands": [
"echo 'select 1;' > ./apps/example-prisma-flyway/src/migrations/V`date +%Y%m%d%H%M`__${npm_config_args:-NewMigration}.sql"
"parallel": false,
"envFile": "./.env",
"color": true
"flyway-migrate": {
"executor": "nx:run-commands",
"options": {
"commands": [
"export DATABASE_URL=${EXAMPLE_PRISMA_FLYWAY_FLYWAY_PRISMA_DATABASE_URL} && export DATABASE_MIGRATIONS_LOCATIONS=./apps/example-prisma-flyway/src/migrations && ./node_modules/.bin/flyway -c ./.flyway.js migrate"
"parallel": false,
"envFile": "./.env",
"color": true
"flyway-info": {
"executor": "nx:run-commands",
"options": {
"commands": [
"export DATABASE_URL=${EXAMPLE_PRISMA_FLYWAY_FLYWAY_PRISMA_DATABASE_URL} && export DATABASE_MIGRATIONS_LOCATIONS=./apps/example-prisma-flyway/src/migrations && ./node_modules/.bin/flyway -c ./.flyway.js info"
"parallel": false,
"envFile": "./.env",
"color": true
"flyway-baseline": {
"executor": "nx:run-commands",
"options": {
"commands": [
"export DATABASE_URL=${EXAMPLE_PRISMA_FLYWAY_FLYWAY_PRISMA_DATABASE_URL} && export DATABASE_MIGRATIONS_LOCATIONS=./apps/example-prisma-flyway/src/migrations && ./node_modules/.bin/flyway -c ./.flyway.js baseline"
"parallel": false,
"envFile": "./.env",
"color": true
"flyway-validate": {
"executor": "nx:run-commands",
"options": {
"commands": [
"export DATABASE_URL=${EXAMPLE_PRISMA_FLYWAY_FLYWAY_PRISMA_DATABASE_URL} && export DATABASE_MIGRATIONS_LOCATIONS=./apps/example-prisma-flyway/src/migrations && ./node_modules/.bin/flyway -c ./.flyway.js validate"
"parallel": false,
"envFile": "./.env",
"color": true
"flyway-repair": {
"executor": "nx:run-commands",
"options": {
"commands": [
"export DATABASE_URL=${EXAMPLE_PRISMA_FLYWAY_FLYWAY_PRISMA_DATABASE_URL} && export DATABASE_MIGRATIONS_LOCATIONS=./apps/example-prisma-flyway/src/migrations && ./node_modules/.bin/flyway -c ./.flyway.js repair"
"parallel": false,
"envFile": "./.env",
"color": true
Common config for flyway .flyway.js
const { ConnectionString } = require('connection-string');
const cs = new ConnectionString(process.env.DATABASE_URL);
const {
password: PASSWORD,
HOST = cs.host,
DATABASE = cs.path && cs.path[0],
SCHEMA = cs.params && cs.params.schema,
SCHEMAS = cs.params && cs.params.schemas,
} = cs;
module.exports = {
flywayArgs: {
url: `jdbc:postgresql://${HOST}/${DATABASE}`,
schemas: SCHEMAS || SCHEMA,
defaultSchema: SCHEMA,
locations: `filesystem:${process.env.DATABASE_MIGRATIONS_LOCATIONS || 'migrations'}`,
password: PASSWORD,
table: '__migrations',
sqlMigrationSuffixes: '.sql',
// Use to configure environment variables used by flyway
env: {
JAVA_ARGS: '-Djava.util.logging.config.file=./conf/logging.properties',
version: '10.1.0', // optional, empty or missing will download the latest
mavinPlugins: [
// optional, use to add any plugins (ie. logging)
groupId: 'org.slf4j',
artifactId: 'slf4j-api',
version: '1.7.36',
// This can be a specifc url to download that may be different then the auto generated url.
downloadUrl: 'https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/slf4j/slf4j-api/1.7.36/slf4j-api-1.7.36.jar',
groupId: 'org.slf4j',
artifactId: 'slf4j-jdk14',
version: '1.7.36',
downloads: {
storageDirectory: `${__dirname}/tmp`, // optional, the specific directory to store the flyway downloaded files. The directory must be writable by the node app process' user.
expirationTimeInMs: -1, // optional, -1 will never check for updates, defaults to 1 day.
Key | Description | Sources | Constraints | Default | Value |
databaseUrl | Connection string for database with credentials (example: postgres://feat:feat_password@localhost:5432/feat?schema=public) | obj['databaseUrl'] , process.env['DATABASE_URL'] | isNotEmpty (databaseUrl should not be empty) | - | - |
Static configuration
Key | Description | Constraints | Default | Value |
featureName | Flyway feature name for generate prefix to environments keys | optional | - | - |
migrationsFolder | Folder with migrations | isNotEmpty (migrationsFolder should not be empty) | - | - |
configFile | Javascript config file for flyway (.flyway.js) | isNotEmpty (configFile should not be empty) | - | - |
nxProjectJsonFile | Application or library project.json-file (nx) | optional | - | - |
- https://github.com/nestjs-mod/nestjs-mod - A collection of utilities for unifying NestJS applications and modules
- https://github.com/nestjs-mod/nestjs-mod-contrib - Contrib repository for the NestJS-mod
- https://github.com/nestjs-mod/nestjs-mod-example - Example application built with @nestjs-mod/schematics
- https://github.com/nestjs-mod/nestjs-mod/blob/master/apps/example-basic/INFRASTRUCTURE.MD - A simple example of infrastructure documentation.
- https://github.com/nestjs-mod/nestjs-mod-contrib/blob/master/apps/example-prisma/INFRASTRUCTURE.MD - An extended example of infrastructure documentation with a docker-compose file and a data base.
- https://dev.to/endykaufman/collection-of-nestjs-mod-utilities-for-unifying-applications-and-modules-on-nestjs-5256 - Article about the project NestJS-mod
- https://habr.com/ru/articles/788916 - Коллекция утилит NestJS-mod для унификации приложений и модулей на NestJS