📄️ Module types
When you create a NestJS module, all existing modules are imported into one imports option of the main application module.
📄️ Configuration model
Decorators ConfigModel, ConfigModelProperty to describe the available module settings and the configTransform function to serialize and check it. The values must be described in code.
📄️ Environment variables
Decorators EnvModel, EnvModelProperty for describing the module's environment variables and the envTransform function for its serialization and verification. Values can be automatically read from process.env or other sources such as https//developer.hashicorp.com/consul/docs/dynamic-app-config/kv.
📄️ Function for creating a NestJS-mod module
The createNestModule function for creating a dynamic NestJS module with the ability to configure through configurations or environment variables, as well as providing the ability to use part of the module’s services through the forFeature method or transfer part of the configurations from the module feature.
📄️ Function for creating a NestJS-mod application
This is probably the simplest bootstrapNestApplication function, it simply traverses an object with an array of modules and calls the wrapper methods.
📄️ Schematics
The target application type for using NestJS-mod is the monorepository at https://nx.dev.