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GraphQL packages, providing an easy way to use GraphQL with the NestJS-mod, integrated: dataloader, included support for pipes, filters and interceptors in resolver fields, works with Fastify (Wrapper for

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npm i --save @nestjs/apollo @apollo/server @nestjs/graphql @as-integrations/fastify graphql-type-json@0.3.2 @graphql-tools/utils@10.0.13 dataloader@2.0.0 graphql@16.8.1 @nestjs-mod/graphql


GraphqlModulesystemGraphQL packages, providing an easy way to use GraphQL with the NestJS-mod, integrated: dataloader, included support for pipes, filters and interceptors in resolver fields, works with Fastify (Wrapper for

Modules descriptions


GraphQL packages, providing an easy way to use GraphQL with the NestJS-mod, integrated: dataloader, included support for pipes, filters and interceptors in resolver fields, works with Fastify (Wrapper for

Use in NestJS

Example of main.ts

import { GRAPHQL_SCHEMA_FILE, GraphqlModule } from '@nestjs-mod/graphql';
import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { NestFactory } from '@nestjs/core';
import { join } from 'path';
import { AppModule } from './app/app.module';

const rootFolder = join(__dirname, '..', '..', '..');
const appFolder = join(rootFolder, 'apps', 'example-graphql');

imports: [
configuration: {
autoSchemaFile: join(appFolder, GRAPHQL_SCHEMA_FILE),
export class RootModule {}

async function bootstrap() {
const app = await NestFactory.create(RootModule);
await app.listen(3005);


Example of dataloader

import { GraphqlDataLoader } from '@nestjs-mod/graphql';
import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import DataLoader from 'dataloader';
import { UserBalanceDto } from '../resolvers/dto/user-balance.dto';
import { BalanceOfUserService } from './balance-of-user.service';
export class BalanceOfUserDataloader implements GraphqlDataLoader<number, UserBalanceDto> {
constructor(private readonly balanceOfUserService: BalanceOfUserService) {}

generateDataLoader(): DataLoader<number, UserBalanceDto> {
return new DataLoader<number, UserBalanceDto>(async (userIds) =>

Examples of resolver fields with dataloader and without

/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */
import { getRequestFromExecutionContext } from '@nestjs-mod/common';
import { Loader } from '@nestjs-mod/graphql';
import { NestjsPinoAsyncLocalStorage, X_REQUEST_ID } from '@nestjs-mod/pino';
import { Logger } from '@nestjs/common';
import { Args, Parent, ResolveField, Resolver, Subscription } from '@nestjs/graphql';
import DataLoader from 'dataloader';
import { BalanceOfUserDataloader } from '../services/';
import { BalanceOfUserService } from '../services/balance-of-user.service';
import { CHANGE_USER_BALANCE_EVENT, UserBalanceDto } from './dto/user-balance.dto';
import { UserDto } from './dto/user.dto';

export class BalanceOfUserResolver {
constructor(private readonly balanceOfUserService: BalanceOfUserService) {}

@ResolveField('balance', () => UserBalanceDto)
async balance(
userDto: UserDto
): Promise<UserBalanceDto> {
return (await this.balanceOfUserService.getUserBalanceByUserIds([]))[0];

@ResolveField('balanceOverDataLoader', () => UserBalanceDto)
async balanceOverDataLoader(
userDto: UserDto,
balanceOfUserDataloader: DataLoader<number, UserBalanceDto>
) {
return await balanceOfUserDataloader.load(;

Example of work with headers

import { Request } from '@nestjs-mod/common';
import { Args, Mutation, Query, Resolver } from '@nestjs/graphql';
import { StatusDto } from './dto/status.dto';
import { CreateUserDto, UserDto } from './dto/user.dto';

export class UsersResolvers {
static logger = new Logger(;

private readonly usersStorage: UserDto[] = [
{ id: 1, username: 'admin', custom: { one: 1 } },
{ id: 2, username: 'user', custom: { two: 2 } },

constructor(private readonly balanceOfUserService: BalanceOfUserService) {}

@Query(() => [UserDto])
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
async users(@Request() req: any): Promise<UserDto[]> {
if (req.headers['x-throw-error']) {
throw new Error('Error from query!');
return this.usersStorage;

@Mutation(() => StatusDto)
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
async createUser(@Request() req: any, @Args() userDto: CreateUserDto) {
if (req.headers['x-throw-error']) {
throw new Error('Error from mutation!');
this.usersStorage.push({ ...userDto, id: });
return { status: 'OK' };

@Subscription(() => UserBalanceDto, {
filter: (payload: UserBalanceDto, variables: { userId: string }) => {
return payload.userId === +variables.userId;
resolve: (payload: UserBalanceDto, _args, ctx) => {
const req = getRequestFromExecutionContext(ctx);
requestId: req.headers?.[X_REQUEST_ID],
// todo: requestId from request not apply in logger
BalanceOfUserResolver.logger.log({ [CHANGE_USER_BALANCE_EVENT]: payload });
if (req.headers['x-throw-error']) {
throw new Error('Error from subscription!');
return payload;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
onChangeUserBalance(@Args('userId') userId: string) {
return this.balanceOfUserService.asyncIterator<UserBalanceDto>(CHANGE_USER_BALANCE_EVENT);

Use in NestJS-mod

An example of using forRoot with parameters and use dataloader, resolver fields and subscriptions, you can see the full example here

import {
} from '@nestjs-mod/common';
import { FastifyNestApplicationInitializer, FastifyNestApplicationListener } from '@nestjs-mod/fastify';
import { GRAPHQL_SCHEMA_FILE, GraphqlModule } from '@nestjs-mod/graphql';
import { NestjsPinoLoggerModule } from '@nestjs-mod/pino';
import { ECOSYSTEM_CONFIG_FILE, Pm2 } from '@nestjs-mod/pm2';
import { TerminusHealthCheckModule } from '@nestjs-mod/terminus';
import { MemoryHealthIndicator } from '@nestjs/terminus';
import { join } from 'path';
import { AppModule } from './app/app.module';

const platform = process.env.PLATFORM === 'fastify' ? 'fastify' : 'express';

const rootFolder = join(__dirname, '..', '..', '..');
const appFolder = join(rootFolder, 'apps', 'example-graphql');

modules: {
system: [
staticConfiguration: {
applicationPackageJsonFile: join(appFolder, PACKAGE_JSON_FILE),
packageJsonFile: join(rootFolder, PACKAGE_JSON_FILE),
envFile: join(rootFolder, '.env'),
platform === 'express'
? DefaultNestApplicationInitializer.forRoot({ staticConfiguration: { bufferLogs: true } })
: FastifyNestApplicationInitializer.forRoot({ staticConfiguration: { bufferLogs: true } }),
configurationFactory: (memoryHealthIndicator: MemoryHealthIndicator) => ({
standardHealthIndicators: [
{ name: 'memory_heap', check: () => memoryHealthIndicator.checkHeap('memory_heap', 150 * 1024 * 1024) },
inject: [MemoryHealthIndicator],
platform === 'express'
? DefaultNestApplicationListener.forRoot({
staticConfiguration: {
// When running in infrastructure mode, the backend server does not start.
mode: isInfrastructureMode() ? 'silent' : 'listen',
: FastifyNestApplicationListener.forRoot({
staticConfiguration: {
// When running in infrastructure mode, the backend server does not start.
mode: isInfrastructureMode() ? 'silent' : 'listen',
configuration: {
autoSchemaFile: join(appFolder, GRAPHQL_SCHEMA_FILE),
feature: [AppModule.forRoot()],
infrastructure: [
staticConfiguration: {
markdownFile: join(appFolder, 'INFRASTRUCTURE.MD'),
skipEmptySettings: true,
configuration: {
ecosystemConfigFile: join(rootFolder, ECOSYSTEM_CONFIG_FILE),
applicationScriptFile: join('dist/apps/example-graphql/main.js'),


pathPath to mount GraphQL APIoptional/graphql-
typeDefsType definitionsoptional--
typePathsPaths to files that contain GraphQL definitionsoptional--
driverGraphQL server adapteroptionalApolloDriver extends apollo_base_driver_1.ApolloBaseDriver-
includeAn array of modules to scan when searching for resolversoptional--
directiveResolversDirective resolversoptional--
schemaOptional GraphQL schema (to be used or to be merged)optional--
resolversExtra resolvers to be registered.optional--
definitionsTypeScript definitions generator optionsoptional--
autoSchemaFileIf enabled, GraphQL schema will be generated automaticallyoptionalschema.gql-
sortSchemaSort the schema lexicographicallyoptional--
buildSchemaOptionsOptions to be passed to the schema generator, only applicable if "autoSchemaFile" = trueoptional--
useGlobalPrefixPrepends the global prefix to the url @see [faq/global-prefix](Global Prefix)optional--
fieldResolverEnhancersEnable/disable enhancers for @ResolveField()optional[ interceptors, guards, filters ]-
resolverValidationOptionsResolver validation options.optional--
inheritResolversFromInterfacesInherit missing resolvers from their interface types defined in the resolvers object.optional--
transformSchemaFunction to be applied to the schema letting you register custom transformations.optional--
transformAutoSchemaFileApply transformSchema to the autoSchemaFileoptional--
contextContext functionoptionaldefaultContextFunction-
metadataExtra static metadata to be loaded into the specificationoptional--
installSubscriptionHandlersIf enabled, "subscriptions-transport-ws" will be automatically registered.optionaltrue-
subscriptionsSubscriptions configuration.optional{"graphql-ws":{"path":"/graphql"}}-
playgroundGraphQL playground options.optional{"settings":{"request.credentials":"include"}}-
autoTransformHttpErrorsIf enabled, will register a global interceptor that automatically maps "HttpException" class instances to corresponding Apollo errors.optional--

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